Monday, January 09, 2012

Multitude Monday, Take 231

“To bring the sacrifice of thanksgiving is to sacrifice our understanding of what’s beneficial and thank God for everything — because He is benevolent. A sacrifice of thanks lays down our perspective and raises hands in praise anyways — always.” (Ann Voskamp)

In the midst of some difficult recent circumstances, I'm trying (however weakly and feebly) to "raise hands in praise anyways"--thanking God for...

2551. The Jesus Storybook Bible, and its words for me this morning: "'Why were you scared?' Jesus asked. 'Did you forget who I Am? Did you believe your fears, instead of me?'"
2552. oatmeal pancakes with apple butter
2553. husband loving me in spite of the ugliness in my heart
2554. a dear friend listening, loving, praying, encouraging
2555. new-to-us furniture

2556. Jesus is risen
2557. friends supporting and loving my family
2558. tenderhearted Elijah comforting me and Grammy
2559. the satisfaction of finishing a torturous jigsaw puzzle
2560. a sweet friend's engagement

2561. so many generous Christmas gifts we hardly had room to bring them home
2562. a plastic jar filled with rice: endless entertainment for Jude
2563. Jude's drunken-Frankenstein walk
2564. safe travels
2565. thick clouds rolling across a night sky

2566. snow while we were in Ohio, and the opportunity to play in it
2567. almost 30 years of knowing and loving Grandma June
2568. soft, warm scarves
2569. my niece coming over to sit in my lap without being asked
2570. my brother's girlfriend entertaining and caring for my boys

2571. hugs
2572. breakfast with my two best high school girlfriends
2573. nothing got ruined when Jude dumped water in my purse
2574. Elijah not being greedy or whiny about presents
2575. Rolo pecan pretzel treats

2576. dinner out with my brother-in-law and sister-in-law to celebrate Steve's birthday
2577. their hospitality on New Year's Eve
2578. a kiss at the stroke of midnight
2579. Elijah sitting in Pops's lap watching football
2580. grandparents babysitting

2581. mercies new not just on January 1 or Monday mornings, but every moment

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