Monday, January 20, 2014

Multitude Monday, Take 312

“To be bursting with thanksgiving is a true witness of the Spirit within us. For the voice of thanksgiving speaks without ceasing of the goodness of God. It claims nothing. It sees no merit in man’s receiving but only in God’s giving. It marvels at his mercy. It is the language of joy because it need look no longer to its own resources.

The Christian rejoicing in this blessing of a thankful heart will have his eyes fixed upon the right person and the right place, Christ at God’s right hand. He cannot be taken up with himself without being immediately reminded that everything he possesses is the gift of God.”

— R. C. Lucas, The Message of Colossians and Philemon
Marveling at God's mercy over the last week in giving me...

5896. boys who "help" me clean the bathroom
5897. spirit week at school = Elijah getting to wear fun clothes besides his uniform
5898. dining room table that seats 10 comfortably
5899. friends and their little ones filling it up
5900. quiet time to write

5901. Goodwill to clear junk out of my house
5902. boys (all three) geeking out over Legos
5903. confidence that even in the midst of my mess, I am held, I am His
5904. a small miracle: on the day I overslept until 7:15 (we usually leave the house around 7:30), Elijah still made it to school on time--with NO yelling on my part! (maybe not so small of a miracle!)
5905. the discovery of new kindred spirits

5906. the discovery of the top of my desk (turns out it's black)
5907. Jude, so eager to be Daddy's helper
5908. Elijah, quick to pray for Mama when she cut her finger
5909. our pastor's excellent sermon series through Galatians
5910. a successful food experiment (except, WHOA garlic...I *love* garlic but use less than this!)

5911. a day off the school routine
5912. Martin Luther King, Jr., and the countless other courageous men and women who have fought for civil rights


Briana Almengor said...

Girl, it would be no small miracle here if I woke up with 15 minutes to get ready and out the door AND did not freak out on my kids. Definitely grace and worthy of listing with your thanks! :)

Amy said...

To be fair, *I* did not actually have to get ready...I don't have to get out of the car so I usually go in my sweats...and I can also just take the 3yo in his PJs and get him dressed/feed him breakfast after we get back home. Plus Daddy had packed his lunch the night before, or it probably would have been a different story!